
Localize Vue apps with Transifex Native

Vue2 plugin for localizing Vue application using Transifex Native. This library extends the functionality of Transifex Native JavaScript SDK.

Related packages:


Install the library and its dependencies using:

npm install @transifex/native @transifex/vue2 @transifex/cli --save


Initiate the plugin in a Vue App

import Vue from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';
import { tx } from '@transifex/native';
import { TransifexVue } from '@transifex/vue2';

  token: '<token>',


new Vue({
  render: (h) => h(App),

T Component

    <T _str="Hello world" />
    <T _str="Hello {username}" :username="user" />

  export default {
    name: 'App',
    data() {
      return {
        user: 'John'
_strStringSource string
_contextStringString context, affects key generation
_keyStringCustom string key
_commentStringDeveloper comment
_charlimitNumberCharacter limit instruction for translators
_tagsStringComma separated list of tags

UT Component

      <UT _str="Hello <b>{username}</b>" :username="user" />
        <UT _str="Hello <b>{username}</b>" :username="user" _inline="true" />

  export default {
    name: 'App',
    data() {
      return {
        user: 'John'

UT has the same behaviour as T, but renders source string as HTML inside a
div tag.

Available optional props: All the options of T plus:

_inlineBooleanWrap translation in span

$t template function or this.t alias for scripts

Makes the current component re-render when a language change is detected and
returns a t-function you can use to translate strings programmatically.

You will most likely prefer to use the T or UT components over this, unless
for some reason you want to have the translation output in a variable for

    {{$t('Hello world').toLowerCase()}}

  export default {
    name: 'App',
    computed: {
      hellofromscript: function() { return this.t('Hello world').toLowerCase() },

LanguagePicker component

Renders a <select> tag that displays supported languages and switches the
application's selected language on change.

    <T _str="This is a translatable message" />
    <LanguagePicker />

import { LanguagePicker } from '@transifex/vue2';
  export default {
    name: 'App',
    components: {

Accepts properties:

  • className: The CSS class that will be applied to the <select> tag.